


An app for renting football courts fast & easy for amateur players January - March, 2023


TapIn was made in my final project when I was a student in my course, me and my partner are football players, and it was the perfect choice for us. TapIn is an app for renting football courts in my country. Currently, most players do not use applications for court rentals and face difficulties with the entire process.


Nowadays, finding apps that offer a simple way to rent football courts is challenging. This creates difficulties for both players and court owners. It is reflected in many problems like renting courts quickly and communicating with other players before playing. Furthermore, most players are playing with their home friends, which makes new players unable to find someone/group to play with.

Research - User Interviews

After we realized the general problem, we had to understand exactly the pain points of the players and the court owner, in order to be more focused and to reach the correct design. After the games were over or between the breaks, we took out our phones with questions we had prepared.

Personas & Pain points

Based on the interviews' findings, We created personas that express the main pain points of the users. We have 2 personas, 1 - Player and 2 - Court owner

Competitive Analysis

After finding only one app that provides the same general goal, we found that almost nothing in the other app provided a solution to our users pain points.

Main Screens Flow

These are the 3 main flows of our users. it is important to show each flow by presenting it on UI screens to better understand the process.

High Fidelity Screens

In Conclusion

So congrats to myself, It was my first UX/UI project, and it is only the start :)
TapIn was a great choice for my first project, and I had a lot of fun making this.
On that note, a few things I’ve learned:

1. Engaging with people and listening to their struggles is crucial for gaining insight and staying inspired in design projects.

2. Focus on your progress and achieve your goals, and don’t get stuck on every detail. Time is crucial, and learn through the process.

Proudly built by me


Proudly built by me
